Nickname: Meg | Enneagram: 3 | APEST: Teacher | Spouse: The wonderful Austin Crumpton
Background: I grew up in Indiana and lived there my entire life up until I joined the Navy in 2017. After finishing 5 years of service, I completed a bachelors degree in sports and health science, an associates degree in early childhood care and eduction, and I’m currently pursuing a certification in child life. I’ve been attending Grace Church since 2023 and have been loving every minute of it! I am also currently the AWANA Games Director for Grace Church on Wednesday Nights.
Current role: I support our Children’s Director by preparing lesson materials and getting classrooms ready for Sunday. I manage the Sunday check-in tent, greeting families, welcoming new ones and helping them get registered. My favorite part about this role instilling a love for Jesus into these amazing kids and making learning about Jesus fun!
Hobbies: Camping, singing & playing guitar, painting, and arts and crafts, and boxing.
Fun fact: I’m only 4’11” but I’m still tall enough to ride a motorcycle!