Enneagram: 8 | APEST: Pastor/Teacher |. Spouse: Heather Lynch

Background: I was raised in Brenham, Texas, a small town that makes the best ice cream! I grew up attending a Grace church there (not affiliated with Grace San Diego) that felt very similar to our Grace. I went to school in Prescott, Arizona at ERAU for engineering and joined a Christian fellowship called Chi Alpha (XA) while in college. I went on mission trips and many hikes with XA which only grew my love for the Lord, His creation and the importance of intentional relationships. After college I moved back home to Brenham to work for Blue Bell Ice Cream as an engineer. I then met a beautiful woman named Heather, we started dating long distance and then I moved out to San Diego to propose. We married April 2022 and that same month we started attending Grace San Diego. The rest is history!

Current Role: As the Grace Tech Resident, I look into any technical upgrades/issues that need to be addressed. Some people find it boring but I love talking tech! 🤓 You can also usually find me running the sound board or slides for the Sunday services!

Hobbies: Hiking, kayaking, programming and creating things!

Fun Fact: I have an engineering degree and love to create fun projects, like robots!