Enneagram: 2 w 1 | APEST: Shepherd | Spouse: Jacob Besse
Background: I grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada and moved to Lake Tahoe for about four years after High School. I attended a private liberal arts college in Tahoe where I ran cross country, but eventually transferred to Arizona State University online where I am still finishing my bachelors in communication. The hope is to pursue my masters in social work with a concentration in working with incarcerated youth and youth in military families . I came to Grace Church in 2018 where I served as a HS girl’s leader for 3 of those years and interned under our previous Youth Director, Alyssa. When she stepped away to have her second baby, she asked me to interview for her position and I have been blessed to be on staff ever since! :) I also got to meet my AMAZING husband Jacob at a young professional’s event here at Grace and we got married April 2024!
Current Role: As the Youth Director, I get to oversee our student ministry that ranges from 6th grade up to 12th grade. I am passionate about students owning their faith apart from their families and watching them fall in love with Jesus after learning about all He has done for them. My favorite part is helping students wrestle through the tough questions and teaching them how to find the answers themselves. Oh, and of course playing mushroom ball every Wednesday night! ;-)
Hobbies: I love being outside and spending time with my friends! Hiking, swimming, paddle boarding, etc… but my favorite thing ever is running! I am one of those crazy people who loves to run long distances. I train for half marathons, marathons, and 50 Ks! The best way to my heart is by going on a run with me!
Fun Fact: My all time favorite animal is an Orca! If I could wave a magic wand I would live off the coast of Vancouver Island to study them in the wild every day!