Scott laughlin

executive PASTOR

Enneagram: 9w8 | APEST: Apostle | Spouse: Susan Laughlin | Kids: Maximus, Henri, Aden

Background: I wasn’t raised in a Christian home or come from a church background. Rather, I was discipled by my best friend’s father and was taught the Gospel in a way that would shape the rest of my life. I saw in authentic ways, Jesus transform my heart and compel me to want to serve him.

I have been at Grace since the summer of 2000 and have served in many volunteer roles before becoming a pastor. Prior to full-time ministry, I spent many years in the financial services industry. My wife and I have also owned multiple businesses, which has fueled my passion for exploring entrepreneurial opportunities for the church. I study psychology at Biola University and hope to further my pastoral calling in the area of Biblically based counseling.

My wife and I have three boys and live in Alpine.

Current Role: I oversee all things “business” for our church. Whether it be financials, facilities, the counseling center, renovation projects or new opportunities; my goal is to foster a vibrant church community to ensure we fulfill our mission and reflect the Gospel in San Diego. I work alongside our pastoral team, staff and elders helping to create organizational excellence with a heart to reach the lost.

Hobbies: We love spending time with our community in Alpine. We host a lot of dinner parties, go to the beach, bike rides and I love finding new coffee shops.

Fun Fact: I love all things fighting; MMA, boxing, wrestling, jiu jitsu, etc. And coffee, I really love coffee.