Enneagram: 2 w 2 | APEST: Evangelist/Teacher | Spouse: Jessica Grace Lee

Background: I was born and raised in La Cañada Flintridge, just west of Pasadena. I moved down to San Diego for undergrad at UC San Diego in 2014 and made Grace my home in 2016. I’ve been here ever since! I graduated in 2018 with a biology degree, but ended up pursuing professional tennis for 2 years while also working as a junior tennis coach in La Jolla. In 2020, Jesus called me to shift gears by starting La Jolla Young Life, and then 2 years later, He challenged me to pursue a seminary degree at Fuller Theological Seminary! God willing, I hope to be a future pastor and missionary.

My lovely wife, Jessica, and I actually met at Grace in 2021, and we recently got married in 2023! And as of now, we are also preparing to go on a long-term mission to Japan in the next couple of years! We are both really excited to take this next step of faith to live out the Great Commission!

Current Role: When I first came to Grace, the biggest impression that I got was that this place could really be my home away from home – a church community that I could one day call family. And that is exactly what happened! And yet, none of that would have been possible without an amazing team of volunteers, dedicated to helping newcomers feel like they belong!

As the First Impressions Residents, Jessica and I will be helping to recruit, train, organize, and schedule our incredible team of volunteers that are responsible for welcoming all of our guests on Sundays. We are excited to play our part in recreating that warm, joyful experience for all who step foot on our campus every Sunday!

Hobbies: The tennis court is my natural habitat. Tennis runs through my veins, so don’t be surprised if you catch me doing “shadow swings” out of the blue!

Fun Fact: When us tennis players aren’t on the court training or competing, you might find us wearing our shoes untied. That’s on purpose! Come and find me on Sundays if you want the full explanation. ;)